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How to usher in the development of small and medium enterprises in the development of the spring? (under)

Five recruit usher in the development of small and medium enterprises in the spring
Small and medium enterprises how to break the shackles of development, the reporter thought, from the following several aspects:
After the development of Mr.
In front of the enterprise is the main task of the first task is to save, after development, an enterprise can not even survive
Barrier, talk about how to develop? We call each day to create a brand, a few small and medium can really build a national
People know the brand? So the survival of the first place, how to make the enterprise better survival,
Is the most important. Walking a fine way to take a lot of enterprises, but this is not a long-term strategy. According to the news
With the relevant departments of the state, some policies will be introduced this year, make the appropriate for walking Enterprises
Penalty. To survive, to get information from the market. Large enterprises with production line or batch
The production capacity, small enterprises should take the fine road, not keep up with the actual situation Yiwofeng.
At present, some of the small and medium enterprises in the product performance, but on the packaging of the brain, how to sell
On how to pack, and even imitate the foreign famous brand packaging. The performance and development of the product is small in China.
Enterprise's weaknesses, but not in order to compress the cost, the use of inferior raw materials, low price competition to get the market.
Enterprises want to survive, we must do a good job market research, know the needs of customers, from the amount of production to the specific and refined
Talent is the first productivity
In the case of shortage of resources, the development of small and medium sized enterprises is largely dependent on the human factor, which
Map out a strategy, including decision makers of the vision; company staff's diligent efforts, and constantly improve the working group;
Team unity, in unison. As the saying goes, as also Xiao He also Xiao He, the same company, the same item
Finally, often because of the human factor and far. Such a thing can be found everywhere.
The lack of talent is a common problem in small and medium enterprises, concentrated in the management of personnel and sales people
Only two aspects. As for technical talent, an engineer has solved the product's formulation. Reporters have been to
Some paint factory, even such a strange phenomenon: the production workers decided when to start. Ask
To understand, because of the salary problem, it is difficult to recruit to the right workers, the factory to the production orders
The workers are on strike for a reason. More ridiculous is, a porter to the factory became the second plant
Engineer. The development of enterprises can not be separated from the talent, how to retain talent, or find talent, training talent is
One of the issues to be considered by an enterprise. Almost all the doors of the enterprise are open to the sales staff at any time, but people
To come, but not for long. A lot of enterprises for the sale of talent that description: some people can sell the Loess
Gold, people have sold the gold into the soil. This shows the importance of talent.
Improve product quality
Enterprise competition means to reduce costs and improve the quality of the two ways. Reporters have participated in a very
The dealer meeting, almost all the dealers agreed that the quality is the most important
. Some dealers said: we no matter what your brand, the first company to ensure product quality.
In the case of the loss of price advantage, the quality is to open the market passes, with good quality, and then through
Through the channels of the dealer, you can form a good image in the domestic market. In such a
Process, the brand is also gradually formed.
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Construction enterprise culture
For small and medium enterprises, to solve the problem of survival, to create a brand is the next important task,
Is also the long-term strategy for the development of enterprises, the construction of corporate culture is everywhere. Nature of corporate culture, decision
The external performance is very extensive, basically covering the enterprise spirit, business strategy, business purpose
, talent concept, guiding ideology, quality policy, interpersonal relationship, employee education and so on. One of the most
For the important is to talk about the way of business, to cultivate the spirit of enterprise and shape the corporate image. From this can be seen, the enterprise
Culture involves all aspects of the enterprise, its status and role can not be underestimated, can not be ignored. Corporate culture
Is the soul of enterprise management, establish a corporate philosophy with its own characteristics, can continue to encourage employees to taxi
Gas, to stimulate the creativity of employees, to give full play to the wisdom of the staff, but also to promote the development of small and medium enterprises
Strong momentum of development. If the enterprise in the development of the beginning of a long time to have a forward-looking, pay attention to the construction of corporate culture, shaping
A strong and personality of corporate culture, corporate culture will greatly promote the rapid and healthy development of enterprises
Exhibition. Many of the successful examples of large enterprises have showed that these large enterprises are not at the beginning of its business, it began
Concerned about the construction of enterprise culture.
Mergers and acquisitions
At present, there are serious waste of resources and disorderly competition in our country.
Small and medium enterprises, low level of duplication of production, follow-up research and development of technical force, resulting in these enterprises
The comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises has declined year by year. Along with the process of economic globalization
, Multi-National Corporation have in our country paint market, the paint industry is facing a huge impact. In
Such a large environment, small and medium enterprises through mergers and acquisitions and restructuring to adjust the industrial structure is imperative
. Throughout the development history of the global paint Multi-National Corporation, is a continuous process of mergers and acquisitions. At first, it is the load
The merger of Akesu,, and Sweden, has created the first overlord of the global paint industry today.
Huarun's recent acquisition of the case has been scattered. How to break the domestic enterprise production pattern, not only is big
Enterprises are facing the problem, but also in front of small and medium enterprises is an important issue. Conditional paint
Enterprises should seize the opportunity to re configure the existing enterprise resources. Through mergers and acquisitions
, acquisition, sale, replacement and other ways to obtain the various resources required for the development of the enterprise, cooperative combat
, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises. Blindly go alone, it is difficult to support long. China paint
Industry Association proposed the development goals of the "five eleven" paint industry, mainly to support the Chinese paint
Famous brands and enterprises, establish and perfect the system of technological innovation, support the growth of big business groups, and strive to cultivate
10 over the annual sales of more than 1000000000 yuan of enterprises, a hundred years of annual sales of over 100000000 yuan of enterprises, so that the top
30 business groups in the production and sales in the industry, the proportion of more than 60%, out of the majority of small businesses
Etc.. If you do not want to be eliminated in the enterprise between mergers and acquisitions and resource restructuring is a good way.
Restructuring is not a simple superposition, but a scientific operation. Only the size, no follow-up to develop power security,
Restructuring is just a form.
With the strategic transition of the coatings industry, the state of the disorderly competition will have a major change, will be by
Tangible product competition, marketing competition, technological competition, talent competition and other material level of competition to the invisible
Ideological level competition.
2007 is still a fierce competition, the recent price of raw materials will not fall, environmental protection, security will be
Thoroughly integrated into the enterprise production. Small and medium enterprises how to develop, how to break out, is placed in each decision maker
The first question before.
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