All colors are created according to MUNSELL color space the color hue, value and chroma of three-dimensional arrangement. Each color has a specific MUNSELL color symbols, you can easily find the color according to the symbol.
MUNSELL color table
Using MUNSELL nomenclature HV/C, we can be a vivid example: red, MUNSELL symbol for 5 r 6/14, of which 5 r refers to the color (red), 6 is the color value (medium light color), 14 chromaticity very bright colors.
MUNSELL color space
MUNSELL color hue, value and chroma each are not identical, so can according to the three properties of color in 3 d space. Neutral colors placed along a vertical line, called "neutral axis", black at the bottom, white at the top, all of the gray in the middle. Different hue around the neutral axis displayed in a different perspective. Chromaticity scale and neutral axis vertical, increase outward. Three-dimensional arrangement of colors is called "munsell color space".
MUNSELL color solid
In a particular area of the MUNSELL color space all colors of call "MUNSELL color solid. Hue will circle circle only a week. Made of pure black color value of the lowest end limit (black color), said the highest end by pure white (white color limit). For a known value, there is a possible limits of chromaticity, even in the theoretical ideal pigment. Good real pigments in features may not be ideal, can further limit of color three-dimensional physical expression. Munsell color order system itself is applicable to all possible colors. Highest chromaticity yellow with high value, at the same time, the highest shades of blue but has a low value.