RGB color mode:
Color attribute:
Simple said is all natural color (first so you'll understand).
RGB color model is the industry standard of a kind of color, is based on red (R), green (G), blue (B) the change of the three color channels and their superposition between each other to get all sorts of color, RGB is on behalf of the red, green, blue three channels of color, this standard includes almost all the colors of the senses by human vision, is one of the most widely used color system. And our computer related place, is the current display is mostly used the RGB color standard, which is why it is so important for us.
On display, is through the electron gun of the screen in the red, green, blue light up to produce color, the computer can display 32-bit color commonly, about more than one million kinds of color. If it shows the color is not completely consistent with the nature of a certain color, that is almost our naked eye can see.
Computer design scope of use:
Display shows, the RGB color printing, RGB color painting, etc.
Why it's unique:
Color is rich, but not for ordinary color printing.
Mix mixed color setting (addition) : from RGB color luminescence principle to design, color mixing way of popular point said it as there are red, green, and blue lights, when their mutual composite light color mixed, and the brightness is equal to the sum of brightness (the brightness of the two lights!) , mixed brightness is higher and higher, namely additive mixing. Light can be diluted by no colours and lights. Like blue light and white light, the result is more bright light blue color. Know its mixing principle, set the color in the software is easy to understand. Red, green, blue three lights superimposition, center superposition of three color the brightest area is white, additive mixing characteristics: the superposition of the bright. Red, green, blue three color channel is divided into 255 order for each color brightness, "light" the weakest when 0 - is turned off, and in 255 when the "light" the brightest. When the three color value same as gray color, without color and three color by 255 as the bright white, 0 for black.
CMYK color mode
Color attribute:
Simple said is dedicated to the printing color.
It is another set specifically for printing color standard, is based on the green (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y) and black (K) four color change and the superposition between each other to get all sorts of color, CMYK is on behalf of the blue, magenta, yellow and black four special printing ink color, is also the color of the four channels in Photoshop software.
Specific to the printing, is by controlling the blue, magenta, yellow and black four color printing ink on paper one atop the other to produce the color, the color species less than RGB color.
Computer design scope of use:
Four-color printing, four-color printing, etc.
Why it's unique:
Colour than RGB color full, rich in PHOTOSHOP running speed will be slower than RGB color, and part of the function will not be able to use, because color species not RGB color is much, when the image from the RGB color converted to CMYK color color will have some losses (from CMYK to RGB is no losses), but it is also the only one can use for four color printing color separation of color standard.
Mix mixed color setting (subtraction) :
CMYK is a reflection of the light principle to design, so it is the way of mixed coincided with RGB instead, is "subtraction mixed"
When the colour of their mutual composite color mixed, and the brightness is reduces. Why is this so? To see how the light into the eye, by print will be clear.
Piled up to four different ink printed on white paper, because the ink is transparent, most of the light through the ink into the paper for the first time, and white reflective rate is higher, after most of the light reflected by the white paper will be the second time through the ink, and then into the eye, when the light on the transmission creates a colour effect of ink.
In fact we like looking at multiple overlapping colored glass, light through a layer of more, brightness is lower, and the color will blend each other once a year.
Green, magenta, yellow color ink superimposition, center of three color overlay area is black, subtraction mixed features: the superposition of the dark.
In software, blue, magenta, yellow and black four color channels according to the percentage of each type of account, and 100% for the best, 0% when the most shallow, and black and color mixing almost no too big relations, it exists mostly in order to easily adjust the brightness of light and shade, and in printing, the use of a single black opportunity are many).
Mixed with addition, three color numerical phase is no color gray color at the same time.